Token Distribution

Contract Address: 0x81b242276afa697b118554f8cea4a5b09743a70b

Token Name: ZuckMeta

Token ymbol: ZUCK

Decimals: 9

Network: Binance Smart Chain

Max Supply: 1,000,000,000,000

Presale IDO: 47% ,100% at TGE

presale rate:1BNB=783,333,333.333 ZUCK Listing rate:1BNB=705,000,000 ZUCK

Soft Cap:0.2BNB

Hard Cap:2BNB

Initial Liquidity Pool: 33% ,1 year Locked

ZUCKSWAP: 2% ,20% at TGE,10% each 30 days

ZUCK DAO:15%,20% at TGE,10% each 30 days

ZUCK Mammon: 2%,20% at TGE,10% each 30 days

Smart Contract:TRANSFER FEES 8% Transaction Fee ( Buy and Sell)

3.0% Redistribution 2.0% Marketing and Brand 3.0% Auto liquidity Pool

Simply earn ZUCK tokens by holding! 2.0% Holder Rewards are dispersed to all token holders relative to their holding percentages. Also 3.0% Marketing and Brand keeps our token extremely fomo and healthy for many years to come. And 3.0% Auto liquidity pool can push the price slowly! Be a HODL's with us and earn more tokens on auto-pilot!

Last updated